Keto snacks easy to carry in the bag

Aug, 21, 2020

In this post, I will talk about all my favorite keto snacks easy-to-carry in the bag.

When I do my groceries, I buy keto-friendly products that fit my bags, usually small or medium purses. Every supermarket has keto-friendly products packed in small bags or boxes, therefore you can find many keto snacks easy to carry in the bag!
To know better my favorite snacks, read also the section Keto favorite products.

Let’s dive in. Here’s what I consider the best keto snacks easy to carry in the bag.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate above 85% is a great snack. My favorite is Funky Fat Foods, which contains also MCT oil.
Read more in this dedicated article. With the code TRUSTNOCARB, you’ll get an exclusive 15% discount.

Keto snacks easy to carry in the bag


Nuts are very easy to carry and practical to eat. They are sold in boxes and bags. If you don’t feel like grabbing with you a whole bag, you can put a handful of nuts in some aluminum foil or small boxes.

Where to find small nuts bags in the Netherlands:

Keto snacks easy to carry in the bag

Low-carb bars

Bars are very easy to carry, in any purse! Choose the best available on the market, reading the labels.

Read the best keto and low-carb bars in the Netherlands.

Keto snacks easy to carry in the bag

Boost Balls

Boost Balls are small and delicious sweet balls made with peanut butter, available in many flavors.
The packages are very small, and therefore convenient to have with you at all times.
Read my review here.

Available here.

Extra things to keep in your purse


Remember that not all sweeteners are not keto-approved. Keep your favorite in your purse all the time. If you can drink your drink without, even better!

Milk or heavy cream

I bring almond milk or heavy cream with me into a small glass bottle and filled it with her low-carb milk!
This trick is also great when I visit Starbucks because I don’t have to worry if they don’t have low-carb milk or heavy cream!

You can also add your aroma directly to your milk, and have every day a different flavored milk/heavy cream.

I will keep my eyes open to find new keto snacks easy to carry in the bag.

My name is Simona, a keto enthusiast, based in the Netherlands.

I live with my husband, my cat Newton, and a fridge full of cheese.

You find me on Instagram, Pinterest, and sometimes on Facebook.

I also write a lot of keto recipes on my Italian blog keto-with-simona.

Check also:

Keto products review
Keto favorite products

This post may contain affiliate links. This means I will get a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. All the opinions are my own. Read the full disclosure here.

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Welcome to Trust No Carb!

My name is Simona, a keto enthusiast, based in the Netherlands. I live with my husband, my cat Newton, and a fridge full of cheese.