Best low-carb Ketchup in The Netherlands

Feb, 17, 2023

Blogpost on the best low-carb Ketchup in the Netherlands. For a few years, I did not eat ketchup at all, because I am not crazy about it and because usually, it was full of sugar.
There are a few low-carb and sugar-free ketchup brands in the Netherlands, which is interesting when we want to add them to some foods.

Don’t choose your ketchup lightly: some brands have 20 gr of carbs per 100 grams.
You can find excellent and tasty ketchup with less than 6 gr of carbs for 100 grams. 

In this blog post, I will identify the best low-carb ketchup, suitable for a keto diet, in the Netherlands.

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The following are my favorite low-carb Ketchup in the Netherlands according to taste, gr of carbs per 100 grams, and easiness to be found.

HEINZ Ketchup Zero

Heinz is a famous brand of sauces, and recently they released also in the Netherlands a Ketchup zero, with no added sugar. It contains 5,4 grams of carbs per 100 grams of the product.
Heinz Ketchup Zero comes in two sizes. Available in Albert Heijn and Jumbo.

Best low-carb Ketchup in The Netherlands

JUMBO Ketchup 0%

Jumbo has its own brand of Ketchup with no sugar. It contains 5,9 grams of carbs per 100 grams of the product. Available in one size, At Jumbo.

Best low-carb Ketchup in The Netherlands


Prozis Ketchup is available in 4 flavors. The carbohydrates are 5,20 gr per 100 gr of product.

Hunter & Gather Unsweetened Ketchup

This ketchup doesn’t contain any Added Sugar or Sweeteners, seed or vegetal oil. Perfect for Keto, Paleo, Low Carb, Gluten Free, Plant Based.

You can get it from Keto Fit Shop with 10% discount with the code TRUSTNOCARB.

Fitcy Ketchup Zero

Fitcy is a sugar-free brand of sauces and aromas. This Ketchup Zero is sugar-free and contains erythritol. It has only 3,5 grams of carbs per 100 grams of the product. It’s the ketchup ranked number 1 on Amazon.

Available also in the curry version, 3,9 gr of carbohydrates per 100 gr.

Available on Amazon and in their website.

Best low-carb Ketchup in The Netherlands

Best low-carb Ketchup in the Netherlands: Conclusions

It is not difficult finding low-carb and sugar-free ketchup for the keto diet, in the Netherlands.
The easiest to find is the HEINZ Zero, findable at Jumbo, AH, and Amazon.

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My name is Simona, a keto enthusiast, based in the Netherlands.

I live with my husband, my cat Newton, and a fridge full of cheese.

You find me on Instagram, Pinterest, and sometimes on Facebook.

I also write a lot of keto recipes on my Italian blog keto-with-simona.

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This post may contain affiliate links. This means I will get a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. All the opinions are my own. Read the full disclosure here.

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Welcome to Trust No Carb!

My name is Simona, a keto enthusiast, based in the Netherlands. I live with my husband, my cat Newton, and a fridge full of cheese.