Gluten-free Keto Diet

Dec, 15, 2023

Gluten-free diet and Keto diet can appear similar, because they share many common foods, but they are not the same.

What is gluten-free?

With gluten-free we refer to all the products or diets that don’t contain gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat and other grains, such as barley and rye.

Gluten improves the texture of foods: that’s why it can be found in many types of foods, even products you would never suspect.

It is wrong to think that gluten-free means not eating carbohydrates because products such as rice, potatoes, legumes, don’t contain gluten.

Additionally, gluten can be found in in many beauty products, such as cosmetics and fragrances.

This diet is essential for individuals with celiac disease, wheat allergy, or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Are Gluten-free and Keto the same?

Gluten-free and Keto can appear similar, because they share many common foods, but they are not the same.

The key difference is that while Keto diets focus on excluding high-carb products, Gluten-free diets focus solely on avoiding foods that contain gluten, without specific restrictions on overall carbohydrate intake.

In both Gruten-free and Keto approach the following products are allowed: berries, veggies, meat and poultry, fish and seafoods, nuts, diary (sugar-free for keto).

Is a gluten-free diet ketogenic?

Although eating gluten-free focuses on foods allowed on a keto lifestyle (such as eggs, fish and meat, veggies,..) not all the gluten-free products are suitable for a ketogenic diet.
Many gluten-free products contain a conspicuous amount of carbs, such as rice, quinoa, potatoes, and gluten-free baked goods.

So, when people follow a keto diet, they often naturally eliminate many gluten-containing foods from their diet.

Remember: not all keto-friendly foods are gluten-free, and not all gluten-free foods are keto-friendly.

Is a keto diet also gluten-free?

Although eating keto excludes many products with gluten and wheat, it is important to note that not all keto-friendly products are gluten-free.

Nowadays, many keto industrial products containes gluten, or be at risk of cross-contamination.
Some common keto products that may not always be gluten-free, because they may contain wheat or gluten-based ingredients, maltodextrin, gluten-based soya sauce, .
be careful reading the labels of ingredients such as keto breads, bars, sauces, supplements, and desserts.

Remember: not all gluten-free foods are keto-friendly, and not all keto foods are gluten-free.

What to eat if you follow a Keto Gluten-Free diet

A Gluten-free Keto diet is very similar to a clean keto. Focus on veggies, protein, and healthy fats. Start filling your plate with protein: eggs, fish, meat or poultry. Add in good fats: olive oil, seeds, nuts.

Naturally Keto Gluten-Free Foods

The following ingredients are suitable for both keto and gluten-free lifestyle:

Vegetables, not starchy
Meat and poultry (wholefood)
Fish and seafood
Dairy (sugar-free low-carb)
Nuts and nut flour
Oils, unaltered, such as olive and coconut oil

Commercial keto gluten-free products

A few of the best keto and gluten-free commercial products:

Gluten-free Keto Diet
Gluten-free Keto Diet
Gluten-free Keto Diet
Gluten-free Keto Diet
Gluten-free Keto Diet
Gluten-free Keto Diet

Keto gluten-free meals examples

Here a few of my recipes that are perfect for a keto gluten-free meal:

Grilled chicken salad with cottage cheese

Chicken and scrambled eggs

Grilled cod with tomatoes

Edamame pasta with homemade pesto or tomato sauce

Omelette with chicken breast and spreadable cheese

Cauliflower lasagna

Chicken muffins

Eggs ,edamame and sashimi

Keto gluten-free sweet treats

Here a few of my sweet recipes that are perfect for a keto gluten-free diet:

Protein choco muffins

Keto Bounty

Protein strawberry ice-cream

Protein Chocolate ice-cream

Keto choco donuts

Keto granola

Keto OREOs

Keto Magnum

Keto truffles

Keto overnight oats

How to follow a keto gluten-free diet on holiday

  1. Stick to raw veggies.
  2. Focus on proteins, without sauces and extra ingredients. The best is asking grilled/roast meat and fish.
  3. Take with you your favorite gluten-free keto products.
  4. Research if your accomodation has a gluten-free menu.
  5. Research in advance for restaurant that serves keto and gluten-free options.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Read also:

How I test my ketones at home with a Ketone Meter

My Experience with High-Protein Keto

Keto Products always in my home for weight loss

Keto-friendly Drinks to order on a night out

Best keto low-carb wines to drink

My name is Simona, a keto enthusiast, based in the Netherlands.

I live with my husband, my cat Newton, and a fridge full of cheese.

You find me on Instagram, Pinterest, and sometimes on Facebook.

I also write a lot of keto recipes on my Italian blog keto-with-simona.

Check also:

Keto products review
Keto favorite products

This post may contain affiliate links. This means I will get a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. All the opinions are my own. Read the full disclosure here.

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Welcome to Trust No Carb!

My name is Simona, a keto enthusiast, based in the Netherlands. I live with my husband, my cat Newton, and a fridge full of cheese.