Oppo Low-carb Ice cream

Aug, 05, 2022

Oppo: the UK brand

Oppo is a UK brand of low-carb ice cream available also in the Netherlands. In Holland, you can find it in Albert Hejin and Jumbo.

Oppo’s goal is to make healthy ice cream but without loads of sugar and calories. They also believe in sustainability, which is also why all their tubs are made out of paper from sustainably managed forests and can now be widely recycled.

I know Oppo since I started keto in 2020, and I had always mixed feelings. On the one hand, I appreciated the fact that finally in Dutch territory we had a low-carb option. On the other hand, the keto police chief in me was telling me that Oppo has a lot of sugar anyway.

So, honestly Oppo ice cream is not always on my fridge, especially in the last period where I am trying to lose the pandemic weight gain. But I admit, it is not bad at all.

Read also: KEgelaTO Italian Keto Gelato (hoping soon will be available in the NL).

Oppo Low-carb Ice cream

Is Oppo Ice Cream keto?

Oppo is low in carbs and low sugar, and for sure can be defined as a low-carb Ice cream, but it cannot be defined as keto ice cream. It contains many ingredients that are not keto-friendly, such as Maltitol, starch, and sugar syrup.

Oppo ice cream Ingredients

As stated on their website, they use the highest quality ingredients. 

Many ingredients are very healthy and keto-friendly. There are a few ingredients that are not really my favorites, such as Maltitol, Glucose Syrup, starch, and sugar syrup.

How many grams is 100 ml of Oppo ice cream?

I was very confused in the past regarding the calories and macros of Oppo.
100 ml is not equal to 100 grams.

I finally found on
their website that 100 ml of ice cream equals 59 grams (2 scoops).

Since we keto and low-carb dieters think per 100 grams (and not in ml – which is kinda tricky) in the nutritional analysis I will also put the net carb calculation per 100 grams. Which is one of the most important things we watch when we decide whether a product can fit our diet or not.

Oppo ice cream products

Oppo has a lot of flavors. In the Netherlands, we have a limited number, but hey, let’s award the effort.

Oppo has 3 types of products.

  1. Ice cream tubes
  2. Ice cream sticks
  3. Ice cream balls

Oppo ice cream tubes

Oppo Low-carb Ice cream

Tubes are good to dig with a spoon. Each tube counts 400 ml. Look at the nutritional values. You may want your tube to last for 4 portions.

Oppo Cookies and Cream

For 100 ml:

Calories: 84
Fat: 4 gr
Total Carbs: 9,9 gr (of which sugar 6,7 gr)
Of which polyols: 2,6 gr
Net carbs: 7,3 gr
Protein: 2,6 gr

For 100 gr the Net carbs are 13,1 gr (of which 11 sugars).

Oppo Double Chocolate Brownie

Nutriscore: A

Nutritional facts of Oppo Double Chocolate Brownie:

For 100 ml:

Calories: 90
Fat: 3,9 gr
Total Carbs: 12 gr (of which sugar 7 gr)
Of which polyols: 3,4 gr
Net carbs: 8,6 gr
Protein: 3,3 gr

For 100 gr the Net carbs are 14,6 gr (of which 12 sugars).

Oppo Vanilla Pecan praline

Calories: 83
Fat: 4,2 gr
Total Carbs: 9,8 gr (of which sugar 6,9 gr)
Protein: 2,5 gr

Oppo Salted Caramel Swirl

Nutriscore: B

Nutritional facts of Oppo Salted Caramel Swirl:

For 100 ml:

Calories: 82
Fat: 3,5 gr
Total Carbs: 10 gr (of which sugars 6,5 gr)
Of which polyols: 2,6
Net carbs: 7,4 gr
Protein: 2,5 gr

For 100 gr the Net carbs are 12,4 gr (of which 11 sugars)

Here are the ingredients no-keto-friendly in the :

Oppo Vanilla Caramel Brownie

Nutriscore: B

Nutritional facts of Oppo Vanilla Caramel Brownie:

For 100 ml:

Calories: 81
Fat: 3,7 gr
Total Carbs: 10 gr (of which sugar 6,9 gr)
Of which polyols: 2,5 gr
Net carbs: 7,5 gr
Protein: 2,6 gr

For 100 gr the Net carbs are 12,9 gr (of which 12 sugars).

Oppo ice cream sticks

2 sticks are available in Holland. Each box has 3 ice cream sticks inside.

Oppo Salted Caramel and Chocolate sticks

Nutriscore: C

Nutritional facts of Oppo Salted Caramel and Chocolate sticks:

For 100 ml:

Calories: 157
Fat: 11 gr
Total Carbs: 15 gr (of which sugar 6,1 gr)
Of which polyols: 8,9 gr
Net carbs: 6,1 gr
Protein: 3,1 gr

For 100 gr the Net carbs are 12 gr (of which 4,2 sugars).

A stick is 80 gr (50 ml) and has:

Calories: 125
Fat: 8,6 gr
Total Carbs: 12 gr (of which sugar 4,9 gr)
Of which polyols: 7,1 gr
Net carbs: 4,9 gr
Protein: 2,5 gr

Oppo Vanilla and almond sticks

Nutriscore: C

Nutritional facts of Oppo Vanilla and almond sticks:

For 100 ml:

Calories: 163
Fat: 12 gr
Total Carbs: 14 gr (of which sugar 5,3 gr)
Of which polyols: 9 gr
Net carbs: 5 gr
Protein: 3 gr

For 100 gr the Net carbs are 12 gr (of which 4,2 sugars).

A stick is 80 gr (50 ml) and has:

Calories: 130
Fat: 9,8 gr
Total Carbs: 11 gr (of which sugar 4,2 gr)
Of which polyols: 7,2 gr
Net carbs: 3,8 gr
Protein: 2,4 gr

Ice cream balls

These tubes contain 12 ice cream balls. So far in Holland, we have only one flavor.

Oppo Salted Caramel balls

Nutriscore: C

Nutritional Facts of Oppo Salted Caramel Balls:

For 100 ml:

Calories: 146
Fat: 10,4 gr
Total Carbs: 15 gr (of which sugar 6,4 gr)
Of which polyols: 8,8 gr
Net carbs: 6,2 gr
Protein: 2,5gr

For 100 gr the Net carbs are 12 gr (of which 4,2 sugars).

A ball is 9 gr (14 ml) and has:

Calories: 20
Fat: 1,5 gr
Total Carbs: 2,1 gr (of which sugar 0,9 gr)
Of which polyols: 1,2 gr
Net carbs: 0,9 gr
Protein: 0,4 gr

My Opinion on Oppo Low-carb Ice Cream

I do not consider Oppo keto-friendly but it can for sure be eaten on occasion.
Besides a few bad ingredients (like Maltitol, which I hate) Oppo ice creams are overall low-carb.

If you are on keto but you are not in a hurry to lose weight or you do not have particular conditions, I would suggest you try Oppo when you are craving real ice cream. Having a tube in the freezer may save us from the temptation to spoon a very sugary B&J.

The taste is very good to be low-carb ice cream, and I love that there is plenty of choices.

Ingredients and nutritional values may vary with time. Values of the ice cream updated July 2022.

READ ALSO: Lohilo high protein ice cream

My name is Simona, a keto enthusiast, based in the Netherlands.

I live with my husband, my cat Newton, and a fridge full of cheese.

You find me on Instagram, Pinterest, and sometimes on Facebook.

I also write a lot of keto recipes on my Italian blog keto-with-simona.

Check also:

Keto products review
Keto favorite products

This post may contain affiliate links. This means I will get a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. All the opinions are my own. Read the full disclosure here.

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Welcome to Trust No Carb!

My name is Simona, a keto enthusiast, based in the Netherlands. I live with my husband, my cat Newton, and a fridge full of cheese.