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It is not easy to find keto-friendly Pumpkin spices in the Netherlands. That’s why I want to collect in this blog post, all the pumpkin spice things available in Holland.
Some things you can easily find at Albert Heijn or Jumbo. Other things you can order at home, from a few websites or Amazon.
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Keto and low-carb bars in the Netherlands
Pumpkin spice mix
The Pumpkin Spice mix is the ultimate product you need to enjoy Autumn. They are needed for the Pumpkin Spice Latte, pies, and muffins.
Pumpkin spices are not really easy to find here in the Netherlands, and they have to be ordered online.
How I use the pumpkin spices in the baking
Usually, for every 200 grams of almond flour, I use 4 tablespoons of pumpkin puree and 1 teaspoon of pumpkin spices. You can adjust according to your preference. If you want a stronger flavor, add more spices.
You can enhance the autumnal feeling of your dessert by cutting a mix of nuts into small pieces (macadamia, walnuts, and almond) mixing them with cinnamon and brown erythritol and putting them on top of muffins and cookies for decoration.
Pumpkin puree
Pumpkin puree must have as only ingredients pumpkin and water.
I don’t want to prepare my own, because in Autumn I am lazier than usual, so I prefer to buy it.
Be careful while shopping for pumpkin purée:
- almost every pumpkin puree in the Netherlands is enriched with other ingredients like potatoes, rice, mango, or chicken
- don’t confuse the purée with the filling used for the pies: this contains a lot of sugar and is not keto-friendly!
100% Pumpkin purée is not easy to find in Holland. The 2 best options are:
Libby’s 100% pumpkin puree
Albert Hejin Biologisch Pompoen which is a baby food BUT it has only pumpkin and water, so it is great.
Pumpkin Spice flavored coffee and teas
Pumpkin Cheese
Henri Willig has a seasonal limited edition pumpkin-flavored cheese. Get it before the season is out!
Bonus: my favourite skincare product for the Pumpkin spice season
My favorite skincare for this season is the Pumpkin Enzyme Mask Peter Thomas Roth. It’s an AHA exfoliator that renovates the skin, making it younger and smoother. Apart from these benefits, the best thing is the smell.
The pumpkin spice smell is what makes my Autumn happy.
I hope you enjoyed these Keto Pumpkin Spices products available in The Netherlands.
I will keep this post updated from season to season.
My name is Simona, a keto enthusiast, based in the Netherlands.
I live with my husband, my cat Newton, and a fridge full of cheese.
You find me on Instagram, Pinterest, and sometimes on Facebook.
I also write a lot of keto recipes on my Italian blog keto-with-simona.
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Keto products review
Keto favorite products
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